Saturday, February 16, 2013

H'ble Allahabad High Court Judgement regarding arrears for University and college teaching and other academic staff.

The Allahabad High Court verdict asking the Uttar Pradesh Government to pay the arrears  & then to seek reimbursement from Government of India of 80% Central Govt. share. as per the MHRD order of pay revision, 2006 ( issued on 31st December,2008). This is extremely significant to those states where the state Govts. have so far refused to act according to the pay revision order,2006. & pay the arrears.

Judgement is as under:

Court No. - 9
Case :- WRIT - A No. - 64068 of 2011
Petitioner :- Dr. Hridaya Nath Tripathi
Respondent :- The State Of U.P. And Others
Petitioner Counsel :- Durga Tiwari
Respondent Counsel :- C.S.C.,B.D.Pandey
Hon'ble Rajiv Sharma,J.
Hon'ble Satyendra Singh Chauhan,J.

Heard learned counsel for the petitioner and learned Standing
Counsel as well as learned counsel for the Union of India.
The petitioner, who is a Coordinator of the Association, known
as U.P. University College Professors Association and Ex-Reader in
Agriculture  Engineering  Department  at  National  P.G.  College,
Barhalganj, District Gorakhpur, has filed the instant writ petition on
account  of non-payment  of  arrears  of  salary  to  the  members  of
Association  w.e.f.  1.1.2006  to  30.11.2008  pursuant  to  the
recommendations 6
 Pay Commission.
According to the petitioner, the University Grants Commission
has  been  established  under  the  provisions  of  University  Grants
Commission Act, 1956, which is a Central Act. The recommendations
of the University Grants Commission are binding on all the State
Universities.  The  University  Grants  Commission  has  made  a
recommendation  for  the  pay  scales  of  Teachers  throughout  the
Country which was accepted and implemented by the Ministry of
Human Resource Department vide Circular dated 31.12.2008. The
State  Government,  vide  order  dated  28.2.2009,  has  also
accepted/adopted the pay scale of Teachers as recommended by the
University Grants Commission and implemented by the Ministry of
Human Resource Department with certain conditions. A plain reading
of the Government Order dated 28.2.2009 makes it clear that the pay
scale of Teachers, Principals and Librarians has been allowed under
the said Government Order in terms of the recommendations of the
University Grants Commission and the Central Government to the
Teachers,  Principals  and  Librarians  of  the  State  Universities  and
Colleges (Government as well as aided non-Government).
According to the petitioner, the Scheme of revision of pay-scale
and other service conditions of teacher, which were made applicable
for the teachers of Central Universities, was adopted by the State
Government.  Thereafter,  the  Director  of  Higher  Education,  U.P.,
Allahabad issued a letter dated 25.11.2010 to all the Regional Higher
Education  Officers  for  submitting  the  report  with  regard  to  the2
payment of arrears of salary for the period of 1.1.2006 to 30.3.2010.
On  receipt  of  the  said  letter  dated  25.11.2010,  the  Principal  of
National Post Graduate College, Barhalganj, Gorakhpur has sent a
letter  on  1.2.2011  to  the  Regional  Higher  Education  Officer,
Gorakhpur, demanding the fund for the payment of arrears from the
State  Government  for  the  period  1.1.2006  to  3.10.2008  but  no
decision in respect thereof was made by the State Government and
as such, the petitioner preferred representation, which too was not
decided.  In these backdrop of the aforesaid facts, the petitioner
approached this Court by filing a writ petition No. 20375 of 2011. A
Co-ordinate Bench of this Court, vide order dated 7.4.2011, disposed
of the writ petition with a direction to the respondent No.1 to decide
the representation of the petitioner with regard to the payment of
arrears of salary.
As the aforeasaid order dated 7.4.2011 passed by this Court
was not complied in its letter and spirit and as such, the petitioner
preferred a contempt petition, bearing No. 3226 of 2011, in which,
notice was issued.
According  to  the  petitioner,  after  issuing  notice  by  the
Contempt  Court,  the  respondent  No.1  decided  the  petitioner's
representation in compliance of the order dated 7.4.2011, whereby
the respondent No.1 rejected the petitioner's representation.
Hence the instant writ petition.
Learned Counsel for the petitioner has submitted that though
the  State  Government had accepted the revision  of pay-scale  in
pursuant  to  the  Scheme  dated  31.12.2008  and  also  issued  a
Government Order dated 28.2.2009 to this effect but the respondent
No.1,  without  considering  the  Government  Orders,  rejected  the
petitioner's representation in a cursory manner. 
Elaborating his submission, learned Counsel for the petitioner
submits that the Scheme of the Central Government for the payment
of  revision  of  pay  scale,  which  was  accepted  by  the  State
Government vide order dated 28.2.2009, is reimbursive in nature and
the purpose of reimbursement is that the State Government will pay
first and thereafter the State Government will get the money from
the Central Government.  He submits that the sole ground for nonpayment of the revision of pay-scale to the petitioner is that the
Central Government has not provided 80% budget.  He submits that3
while rejecting the petitioner's representation, the respondent No.1
has  not  stated  a  whisper  of  word  about  the  reimbursement.
Furthermore, the State Government has already obtained the budget
of Rs. 780.00 Crore for the Financial Year 2011-2012 and 800 Crore in
the financial year 2010-2011 for the payment of revision of pay-scale
to the teachers of the higher education  and the same was also
accepted by the respondent 1 in the impugned order. Thus, the
impugned order is liable to be rejected. 
Supporting  the  action  of  the  State  Government,  learned
Standing Counsel submits that for payment of arrears from 1.1.2006
to 30.11.2008, the State Government adopted the scheme of revised
pay-scale, inter alia, on the assurance that 80% of the expenses to be
incurred in the implementation of the scheme would be borne by the
Central  Government.  Accordingly,  the  State  Government  has
demanded 80% of the money under the Scheme from the Central
Government vide letters dated 16.6.2010  and 1.8.2011 but not a
single penny has been sent by the Central Government. Therefore,
the revised pay-scale to the teachers of the Universities could not be
paid.  Furthermore, vide impugned order dated 21.8.2011, it has
been  explained  that  after  receipt  of  assistance  from  the  Central
Government, arrears will be paid. Thus, the respondent No.1, after
considering the entire aspect of the matter, has rightly rejected the
petitioner's representation.
Mr. Ajai Ballabh, learned counsel for the Union of India states
that  after  taking  into  consideration  the  views  expressed  by  the
several State Education Ministers during the Conference held in the
year 2010, the Central Government decided to delink the condition of
enhancement of age of superannuation from the payment of Central
share of 80% arrears to the States. Accordingly, vide letter No. F-1-
7/2010-U,II  dated  14.8.2012  issued  to  all  the  State  Education
Secretaries in charge of Higher Education, the Ministry of Human
Resource  Development  Department  of  Higher  Education  informed
that  the  issue  of  age  of  retirement  has  been  left  to  the  State
Government  to  decide  at  their  level  and  the  condition  of
enhancement of age of superannuation to 65 years as mentioned in
the Ministry's letter dated 31.12.2008 may be treated as withdrawn
for the purpose of seeking reimbursement of central share of arrears
to be paid to the State University and College teachers.  It was also
clarified vide letter dated 14.8.2012 that reimbursement of 80% of4
central share of the additional payment of arrears for the period
1.1.2006 to 31.3.2010 will be made by the Central Government in 2-3
installments, however, this would be by way of reimbursement only,
after the State Government has made the payment. Thus,  as per the
provisions of the Scheme, the State Government has to pay the
revision of pay-scale to the employees under the Scheme and it is
only thereafter on demand made by the State Government from the
Central Government, 80% of the amount would be reimbursed by the
Central  Government  and  as  such,  it  is  the  duty  of  the  State
Government to pay the amount to its employees.
It is not in dispute that the said Scheme was essentially for
teachers in Central Universities and the provisions of the Scheme
could  be  made  applicable  by  the  State  Government  to  State
Universities and Colleges coming under the purview of the State
Government,  provided  the  State  Governments  adopted  and
implemented the scheme as a composite scheme and the regulations
laid down by the University Grants Commission in this regard. For
implementation of the said scheme, the Central Government had
decided to provide financial assistance for the period 1.1.2006 to
31.3.2010 to the extent of 80% as reimbursement to those State
Governments,  who  may  opt  for  these  revised  pay-scales.
Furthermore, the State Governments were to provide 20% of the
arrears from its own resources. The said assistance was subject to the
condition  that  the  entire  pay  revision  package  together  with  all
conditions  laid  down  in  this  regard  by  the  University  Grants
Commission  by  way  of  regulations,  would  be  implemented  as  a
composite  scheme  by  the  State  Governments  without  any
modification  except  to  the  date  of  implementation  (  on  or  after
1.1.2006) and any higher scales of pay which the State Governments
may  decide  after  taking  into  consideration  local  conditions  into
consideration. However, the assistance from the Central Government
would be limited to the scales of pay as approved by the Central
Government under the Scheme.
It  is  also  not  in  dispute  that  the  State  Government  had
accepted the terms and conditions of the Scheme and as such, we
are of the view that once the scheme has been accepted by the State
Government, it is the bounden duty of the State to act thereupon. In
the instant case, on perusal of the letter dated 14.8.2012, which has
been produced before us during the course of arguments by the5
learned Counsel for the Union of India, it transpires that the Central
Government has made it clear that reimbursement of 80% of Central
share of the additionality of payment of arrears for the period from
1.1.2006 to 31.3.2010 would  be made by the Central Government in
2-3  installments  by  way  of  reimbursement  only  after  the  State
Government had made the payment but the State Government has
not  paid  the  entire  amount  of  revised  pay-scale  to  the  eligible
teachers on the pretext that after receiving 80% share from the
Central  Government,  the revised pay-scale would be paid to the
eligible  teachers,  which  vitiates  the  dictum  of  the  scheme  so
formulated for paying revised pay-scale in pursuant to the VI Pay
Commission's  Report.   Once  it  is  clearly  mentioned  in  the  said
scheme  that  after  paying  the  revised  pay-scale  to  the  eligible
teachers make a request to this effect will be made by the State
Government  and  the  Central  Government  would  there  after
reimburse the same. 
In view of the aforesaid facts, we are of the view that the stand
taken by the State Government in the impugned order is wholly
erroneous and cannot be sustained. The proper course available to
the State Government is first to pay the amount pursuant to the
recommendations of the UGC, which admittedly has been accepted
by the State Government and thereafter shall apply to the Central
Government for reimbursement of the amount so incurred towards
the  payment  of  arrears  of salary.  For the  reasons  aforesaid,  the
impugned order dated 21.8.2011 is liable to be quashed.
Accordingly,  impugned  order  dated  21.8.2011  is  hereby
quashed. The State Government is directed to release the necessary
fund for payment of arrears of salary of teachers of National Post
Graduate College, Barhalganj, Gorakhpur within a maximum period of
one month, from the date of receipt of certified copy of this order.
Before parting, we would like to observe that if any  request for
reimbursement of the amount is made by the State Government,
then  the Central Government will release the necessary funds  as per
the provisions of scheme as has been assured by the Counsel for the
Union of India within a period of three months thereafter.
The writ petition stands allowed in above terms.
Order Date :- 17.1.2013

Wednesday, February 06, 2013

UPLA Membership Form

To join UPLA (Uttar Pradesh Library Association), kindly fill the following membership form along with a DD of Rupee Four Hundred only in favor of "Secretary, UPLA". 

Things to be remember: The membership fee only be deposited through Demand Draft.

Friday, February 01, 2013

Legal Education: an orientation with RMLNLU students/users

In the horizon of the information explosion and information evaluation age, information literacy programs are playing a vital role in making the optimum use of information and resources. Libraries are one of very important pillar to achieve the goals of their parental organization. Libraries are not only facilitating resources and services to its users but they are also involved in making them life long learners. To develop any society, it is a fundamental requirement to make people aware of knowledge and information savvy. In university system, Libraries are very much engaged in such practices through various Library orientation programs to make life long learners. The Dr. Madhu Limaye Library of the RMLNLU is also adhering to practice of making its users to become information savvy along with computer and internet technology. Efforts have been made to highlight some of the features of RMLNLU Law Library Orientation Program.

ICoASL-2025 (09-11 May 2025)

  The 9th International Conference of Asian Special Libraries on  'Sustainable Development of Libraries through Innovative Technologies...